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Kabadio, where time goes slowly, walks barefoot

(Kabadio - O tempo não tem pressa, anda descalço)

Brazil  ·  2017  ·  95'
Directed by Daniel Leite

Produced by Daniel Leite para Domang Filmes

Arid Zone: Bem-vindo
Arid Zone: Galeria


A deep dive into the heart of Casamance (southern region of Senegal), a small Muslim village, which is a sort of mystical island protected by religious leaders called Marabus, the sound of drums lights the fire, dictating the fate of an uncertain future, where mysticism is the only protective shield.

Arid Zone: Sobre


- Rio International Film Festival – Brazil 2016

- AFRIFF - Lagos - Nigeria 2016

- 7º Festival do Filme Insurgente Cine Cipó - Brazil 2017

- 1st Echo Film festival - Russia - 2017

- 4th Sofia Biting Docs Film Festival - Bulgaria 2017

- 4th International Film Festival of Shimla - India 2017

- 13º Mostra de Cinema Documentário - Cinedocumenta - Brazil 2017

- 5º Amostra Livre de cinema - Brazil 2017

- 3º Santos Film Festival - Brazil 2017

- 3rd Black Star International Film Festival - Gana 2017

- 17th Urban Mediamakers Festival - USA 2017

- 2 Social Machinery Film Festival - Italy 2017

- 4º L' Appel des Chantiers - France 2018

- Cine Mis/ SP - Brazil 2017

- "Best Cinematography" Festival Internacional Heritales - Portugal 2019

- 17 Cineamazonia- Festival de Cinema Ambiental - Brazil 2020

Arid Zone: Prêmios
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Arid Zone: Portfólio em vídeo
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