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(Incompatível com a vida)

Brazil  ·  2023 ·  93'
Directed by Eliza Capai

Produced by Mariana Genescá for TVa2

Your Return: Bem-vindo
Your Return: Galeria

From a personal experience of a pregnancy that had a diagnosis of fetal malformation incompatible with life, director Eliza Capai spoke with other women who had gone through a similar situation, creating a powerful and touching choir of voices that reflects on universal themes: motherhood, prenatal grief and abortion. They are all from Brazil, a place where abortion in these cases can lead to up to three years in prison.

Your Return: Sobre
Your Return: Prêmios


Best Film and Editing at It’s All True FF

Best Direction at Ficviña FF

Best Documentary by the Sao Paulo Association Of Art Critics


Best Documentary and Best Director Nominee for the Premios Platino Awards

Salt Spring FF


IFF in Punta del Este


Global Health Film Days

Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival

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